Style Guide

Code style

  • In general, follow the conventions of the tidyverse style guide.
  • Prefer packages to be explicitly namespaced with a double colon in production code, like dplyr::mutate(), though this is not essential in exploratory data analysis.
  • Favour the base R pipe (|>) over the {magrittr} pipe (%>%).
  • Avoid library(tidyverse) in production code because it attaches a lot of packages that might not be used, though you may use it in exploratory data analysis.
  • Use {styler} and {lintr} (or Python equivalents such as black) to tidy your code.
  • Insert linebreaks in your code at or before column 80.
  • When using {dplyr}, favour one mutate over many. For example, between the two examples below, example B is preferred:



starwars |>
  mutate(height_cm = height) |>
  mutate(name_copy = name)


starwars |>
    height_cm = height,
    name_copy = name

Additional assorted notes on style 😎

  • Favour Quarto (.qmd files) over R Markdown (.Rmd) for document production.
  • Use Git for all projects and GitHub as the remote home for of all of the project code.
  • Use the Reproducible Analytical Pipelines (RAP) approach wherever possible.
  • Line breaks in Markdown (.md) files should be at 120 characters or at sentence breaks.
  • When writing about code, use curly braces to identify a {package} name and use backticks around `functions()` as these render nicely and highlight the words clearly.
  • If you’re not sure about something try the NHS-R Way, the UK Government accessibility guidelines, or the Turing Way. If you’re still not sure, just ask the team.