Recently I have been gathering data by GP practice, from a variety of different sources. The ultimate purpose of my project is to be able to report at an ICB/sub-ICB level1. The various datasets cover different timescales and consequently changes in GP practices over time have left me with mismatching datasets.
1 An ICB (Integrated Care Board) is a statutory NHS organisation responsible for planning health services for their local populations
My approach has been to take as the basis of my project a recent GP List. Later in my project I want to perform calculations at a GP practice level based on an underlying health need and the data for this need is a CHD prevalence value from a dataset that is around 8 years old, and for which there is no update or alternative. From my recent list of 6454 practices, when I match to the need dataset, I am left with 151 practices without a value for need. If I remove these practices from the analysis then this could impact the analysis by sub-ICB since often a group of practices in the same area could be subject to changes, mergers and reorganisation.
Here’s the packages and some demo objects to work with to create an example for two practices:
# Packageslibrary(tidyverse)library(sf)library(tidygeocoder)library(leaflet)library(viridisLite)library(gt)# Create some data with two practices with no need data# and a selection of practices locally with need datapractices <-tribble(~practice_code, ~postcode, ~has_orig_need, ~value,"P1", "CV1 4FS", 0, NA,"P2", "CV1 3GB", 1, 7.3,"P3", "CV11 5TW", 1, 6.9,"P4", "CV6 3HZ", 1, 7.1,"P5", "CV6 1HS", 1, 7.7,"P6", "CV6 5DF", 1, 8.2,"P7", "CV6 3FA", 1, 7.9,"P8", "CV1 2DL", 1, 7.5,"P9", "CV1 4JH", 1, 7.7,"P10", "CV10 0GQ", 1, 7.5,"P11", "CV10 0JH", 1, 7.8,"P12", "CV11 5QT", 0, NA,"P13", "CV11 6AB", 1, 7.6,"P14", "CV6 4DD", 1, 7.9)# get domain of numeric data(domain <-range(practices$has_orig_need))# make a colour palettepal <-colorNumeric(palette =viridis(2), domain = domain)
To provide a suitable estimate of need for the newer practices without values, all the practices in the dataset were geocoded2 using the geocode function from the {tidygeocoder} package.
2 Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (often the postcode) into geographic coordinates (such as latitude and longitude) that can be plotted on a map.
This map shows the practices, purple are the practices with no need data and yellow are practices with need data available.
# make map to display practicesleaflet(practices) |>addTiles() |>addCircleMarkers(color =~pal(has_orig_need))
The data was split into those with, and without, a value for need. Using st_join from the {sf} package to join those without, and those with, a value for need, using the geometry to find all those within 1500m (1.5km).
leaflet(neighbours) |>addTiles() |>addCircleMarkers(color ="purple") |>addMarkers(-1.50686326666667, 52.4141089666667, popup ="Practice with no data") |>addCircles(-1.50686326666667, 52.4141089666667, radius =1500) |>addMarkers(-1.46927, 52.51899, popup ="Practice with no data") |>addCircles(-1.46927, 52.51899, radius =1500)
The data for the “neighbours” was grouped by the practice code of those without need data and a mean value was calculated for each practice to generate an estimated value.
For my project, this method has successfully generated a prevalence for 125 of the 151 practices without a need value, leaving just 26 practices without a need. This is using a 1.5 km radius. In each use case there will be a decision to make regarding a more accurate estimate (smaller radius) and therefore fewer matches versus a less accurate estimate (using a larger radius) and therefore more matches.
This approach could be replicated for other similar uses/purposes. A topical example from an SU project is the need to assign population prevalence for hypertension and compare it to current QOF3 data. Again, the prevalence data is a few years old so we have to move the historical data to fit with current practices and this leaves missing data that can be estimated using this method.
3 QOF (Quality and Outcomes Framework) is a voluntary annual reward and incentive programme for all GP practices in England, detailing practice achievement results.