Forecasting project, need to do the same thing with data for 6 centres.
Copy-paste runs risk of not doing the same thing each time (and boring/time-consuming/frustrating).
Repetition –> function.
Demo with plots, equally applicable to ‘doing stuff’ with data.
# preview datahead(new_rtt)
provider_code count rtt_yrmon rtt_mon
1 RJE 83 Nov 2015 11
2 RJE 75 Dec 2015 12
3 RJE 82 Jan 2016 1
4 RJE 74 Feb 2016 2
5 RJE 62 Mar 2016 3
6 RJE 76 Apr 2016 4
Remember, this is about writing functions, not creating stunning visualisations!
Repeat this for each of the 6 centres
Do it ‘normally’ for one centre. What are the parameters to change?
p1 <- new_rtt |>filter(provider_code =="RJE") |>ggplot(aes(x = rtt_yrmon, y = count)) +geom_line() +su_theme() +theme(legend.position ="none") +labs(title ="RJE",subtitle ="time trend of new referrals")p2 <- new_rtt |>filter(provider_code =="RJE") |>ggplot(aes(x =month(rtt_yrmon), y = count)) +geom_col() +su_theme() +theme(legend.position ="none") +labs(subtitle ="monthly pattern of new referrals")plots <-ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow =2)plots
This becomes the argument for the function.
Choose a name for the argument (!= variable_name)
In this example we will use prov in place of "RJE"
Anatomy of a Function
fn_name <-function(arguments){# do stuff}
Run the function with fn_name(parameter as argument)
Turning our code into a function
p1 <- new_rtt |>filter(provider_code =="RJE") |>ggplot(aes(x = rtt_yrmon, y = count)) +geom_line() +su_theme() +theme(legend.position ="none") +labs(title ="RJE",subtitle ="time trend of new referrals")p2 <- new_rtt |>filter(provider_code =="RJE") |>ggplot(aes(x =month(rtt_yrmon), y = count)) +geom_col() +su_theme() +theme(legend.position ="none") +labs(subtitle ="monthly pattern of new referrals")plots <-ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow =2)plots
fn_plots <-function(prov){ p1 <- new_rtt |>filter(provider_code == prov) |>ggplot(aes(x = rtt_yrmon, y = count)) +geom_line() +su_theme() +theme(legend.position ="none") +labs(title = prov,subtitle ="time trend of new referrals") p2 <- new_rtt |>filter(provider_code == prov) |>ggplot(aes(x =month(rtt_yrmon), y = count)) +geom_col() +su_theme() +theme(legend.position ="none") +labs(subtitle ="monthly pattern of new referrals") plots <-ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow =2) plots}
Running our function
fn_plots <-function(prov){ p1 <- new_rtt |>filter(provider_code == prov) |>ggplot(aes(x = rtt_yrmon, y = count)) +geom_line() +su_theme() +theme(legend.position ="none") +labs(title = prov,subtitle ="time trend of new referrals") p2 <- new_rtt |>filter(provider_code == prov) |>ggplot(aes(x =month(rtt_yrmon), y = count)) +geom_col() +su_theme() +theme(legend.position ="none") +labs(subtitle ="monthly pattern of new referrals") plots <-ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow =2) plots}
What if we want more than one argument?
Easy! Just add them to the arguments when you define the function.
If I wanted to run this function on multiple dataframes I would change the function to:
fn_plots <-function(df, prov){ p1 <- df |>filter(provider_code == prov) # and the rest as before}
and run it with fn_plots(new_rtt, "RKB").
Note that the order of entering the parameters is important. If I tried to run fn_plots("RKB", new_rtt) it would look for a dataframe called "RKB" and a provider called new_rtt.
Working through a list of parameters
Avoid manually running fn_plots() for each provider.
Use purrr::map to iterate over a list
# create a vector of all the providersprov_labels <-c("RJE", "RKB", "RL4", "RRK", "RWE", "RX1")map(prov_labels, ~fn_plots(.x))
Troubleshooting - does the function work?
Crawl before you can walk - make sure fn_plot() works for one parameter.
Insert browser() into the function while testing - steps into the function (don’t forget to remove it when it works!)
This is a new function that will save each time-trend plot
fn_save_plot <-function(prov){ p <- new_rtt |>filter(provider_code == prov) |>ggplot(aes(x =month(rtt_yrmon), y = count)) +geom_col() +su_theme() +theme(legend.position ="none") +labs(subtitle =paste0(prov, " - monthly pattern of new referrals"))ggsave(paste0(prov, "_plot.png"), plot = p)}
Troubleshooting - does it walk the walk?
When learning to walk, use safely() or possibly() in your walk function - it will indicate if any parameters have failed, rather than just fall down.
# wrap fn_plots in safelysafe_pl <-safely(.f = fn_save_plot)map(prov_labels, ~safe_pl(.x))# wrap fn_plots in possiblyposs_pl <-possibly(.f = fn_save_plot)map(prov_labels, ~poss_pl(.x))